Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Last day let's get down

Last day of school with 5 hrs until my math final. This test will determine if I pass or fail the class. I shouldn't have to be worrying about this final but some complications occurred and caused the status of my current grade. Anyways, the test should be a breeze and I will be very glad to get this semester over and done with. I have a lot of things to get done over winter break.

One thing I really need to finish is my black 240. I bought it for dirt cheap with plans to flip it and make some quick cash. However, being a good boyfriend and all I've decided to keep it and give it to my girl so she can get rid of her 350z and we can have some extra cash for the new place. But you know I'm probably gonna be driving it every once and awhile so I decided to make the car look half decent. I picked up some new wheels, I got some used coilovers, and paint is coming. I want to show these people with busted ass 240s that its possible to make your car look decent even if you are on a tight budget.

So by the end of January...fresh paint and new suspension.

as it sits right now:

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